Edward Glaeser
had said that cities are the biggest invention and
innovation of humanity , this thought was pivot
for a talk on intersection of innovation
and cities during “Future Cities Summit” Annual Technical Shaastra 2025 @ IIT Madras by Mentor
Srijan Sanchar Shailendra Jaiswal .
Cities enable the collaboration
that makes humanity shine most brightly.
Reasons for existence of city
is that they are transaction maximization structures. Cities are incubator of
ideas because it is in cities that diverse perspectives are available in
proximity to each other and the
diversity facilitates synergy . Cities, the
dense agglomerations that dot the globe, have been engines of innovation since
Plato and Socrates bickered in an Athenian marketplace. The streets of Florence
gave us the Renaissance, and the streets of Birmingham gave us the Industrial
Revolution. The great prosperity of contemporary Silcon Valley London and
Bangalore and Tokyo comes from their ability to produce new thinking. The close
physical proximity in cities makes
learning new skills and copying other ideas much easier. People can recombine
those ideas with other ideas to make new innovations .Srijan Sanchar
contributions to understanding of cities
comes from its insight that
cities are negenetropic structures ,that
create order out of chaos .
Next stop of
Innovation Bandwagon .
“We are
at our most creative when we have something to push against. Creativity does
not require perfect conditions. In fact, it thrives in imperfect ones. The
block of marble from which Michelangelo carved his masterpiece, the David, had
been discarded by other artists. They considered it defective, and they were
right. But Michelangelo saw that defect as a challenge, not a disqualifier.”
In this
regard Srijan Sanchar brought forward the notion that the most important
resource of humanity is shared belief
and values , it is shared belief and values that enables large scale flexible cooperation
the key ingredients of cities . The talk explored
the likely places that would be
hotspots of innovation .What are
likely hot spots of Innovation ?