can be powerful and empowering. The ability to see our lives as stories rather than unrelated, random events increases the possibility for significant
and purposeful transformation and action.
group stories data with soul has multiple strands interwoven together.
The first one is stories, by different members of the group or stories shared
by different members .
The second one is an understanding of one's own life by reflecting upon it and
sharing as one's life story.
It had been our , experience that reflecting on one's own story provide clues
to points of change .There is the saying change your story change your life.
We are very interested in uncovering untold stories. We have been having on
line story telling sessions. We are interested in organizing online and offline
story telling sessions for your city, organization and groups etc
Would like to invite you to join in our journey of exploring stories. There are
about 140 members in our group. The group is promoted by Srijan Sanchar